Architect Profile一級建築士プロフィール

濱地 典
現社長である濱地金剛の祖父、濱地八郎が 1884 年 ( 明治 17 年 ) に当地にて 起業した株式会社 濱地商会に勤務。昭和女子大学家政学部生活美学科 住居コース卒業。スペイン バルセロナの美術学校Escuela de arte Llotjaで、スペインのインテリアデザイン及び、石造建築を学ぶ。
設計業務に従事した後、高知の聖建築研究所、山本恭正氏に師事し、古民 家再生、和風モダンデザインの住宅設計・監理を学ぶ。
( 株 ) インデックスコンサルティングでは、不動産投資会社の依頼による約 60 物 件の都市型新築マンションのコンストラクションマネージメント、内装デザイン を中心に建築コンサルティングに従事。
現在、( 株 ) 濱地商会では、日本の風土・文化に合った、日本建築の特性、デザ インを活かしながら、現代人の生活様式にやさしく、且つ、イニシャル、ランニ ングコストを考慮した住宅、空間造りを行う。
Nori Hamachi
Ms. Nori Hamachi is currently a principal of Hamachi & Co., Ltd. a Tokyo-based firm founded in 1884 by Mr. Hachiro Hamachi. His grandson, Mr. Kanetake Hamachi, is Nori’s father and currently President of the firm.
Maintaining the firm’s tradition, Ms. Hamachi is currently involved in architectural planning and design/refurbishment of new and existing private homes incorporate Japanese traditional building materials and practices. Her specific areas of expertise are center around the adaptive re-use of historic Japanese “minka” homes – modifying them for comfortable contemporary lifestyles, while a maintaining harmony with Japanese cultural contexts, and balancing these priorities with project costing.
Ms. Hamachi’s work in historic preservation and adaptive re-use dates back from the 2 years she spent working under one of Japan’s foremost experts in this field, Mr. Yasuhiro Yamamoto, head of Hijiri Architectural Design Office in Kochi, Shikoku, Japan. There, she initiated the refurbishment of several traditional Japanese houses, as well as the planning and design of newer contemporary homes utilizing traditional Japanese building principles.
Ms. Hamachi later worked for 2 years as project manager for Index Consulting, Inc., a PM/CM/fee-developer based in Tokyo, Japan, managing the interior fit-out costing/construction processes for over 60 urban condominium units for leading institutional real estate investment clients.
Ms. Hamachi holds a bachelor’s degree in architectural design from Showa Women’s University in Tokyo, Japan.She studied interior design and masonry architecture at Escuela de Arte Llotja, in Barcelona, Spain.